Press Release

May 7, 2014

Final dividend 2013 Royal DSM

DSM declares dividend for the financial year 2013 of €1.65 per ordinary share.


Heerlen, NL, 07 May 2014 19:16 CEST

The DSM Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 7 May 2014 passed a resolution to declare a dividend for 2013 of €1.65 per ordinary share of €1.50 par value. An interim dividend of €0.50 per ordinary share having been paid on 29 August 2013, the final dividend for 2013 will amount to €1.15 per ordinary share. With the passing of the resolution by the AGM, and in line with DSM's policy to provide a stable and preferably rising dividend, 2013 marks the fourth consecutive year DSM's dividend has been increased.

This final dividend of €1.15 will be paid out in cash or in the form of ordinary shares at the option of the shareholder. Dividend in cash will be paid after deduction of 15% Dutch dividend withholding tax. The ex-dividend date on NYSE Euronext will be 9 May 2014 and the record date will be 13 May 2014.

Shareholders have from 14 May until 27 May 2014 (15:00 CET) to indicate their choice. On 28 May 2014 after the close of trading on NYSE Euronext the number of dividend rights of ordinary shares entitling the holder to one ordinary share will be determined.

This exchange ratio will be based on the volume weighted average price of all ordinary shares in DSM traded at NYSE Euronext on 21 May 2014 up to and including 27 May 2014. The value of the stock dividend will be virtually equal to the value of the cash dividend. The ordinary shares that constitute the stock dividend are entitled to any dividend for the financial year 2014 and to the dividends for subsequent financial years. Stock dividend rights will not be traded on NYSE Euronext.

The following timetable applies:

  • 9 May 2014: Ex-dividend quotation
  • 13 May 2014: Record Date
  • 14 May 2014 - 27 May 2014 (15:00 CET): Period in which shareholders can indicate their choice
  • 28 May 2014 (COB): Announcement of the exchange ratio
  • 3 June 2014: Delivery of shares or cash payment
For more information
Lieke de Jong-Tops

Senior Communications Manager
+31 45 578 2420

Dave Huizing

Vice President Investor Relations
+31 45 578 2864

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