Our Code of Business Ethics 

Our codes

Code of business ethics (EN)

Kodex für ethisches geschäftsgebaren (DE)

व््ययापार आचार संहिता (HI)      

Código de ética empresarial (ES)

Kode etik bisnis (ID)

Code éthique (FR)

Codice etico aziendale (IT)

Ethische gedragscode (NL)

企業倫理 規範 (JPN)

Código de ética nos negócios (PT)

Kodeks etyki biznesowej (PL)

商业 道德 准则 (CN)

Кодекс деловой этики (RU)

İş etiği kuralları (TR)

Explore more
  • Supplier code

    All third parties who do business with or on behalf of dsm-firmenich are expected to follow the dsm-firmenich Supplier code and all relevant laws and regulations. We do not ask from you, as a Supplier, more than what we are willing to do ourselves.

  • Position statements

    Bringing progress to life also means taking a clear stance on topics which are of special interest to our stakeholders. Find our overview here.

  • Our policies & standards

    Learn more about dsm-firmenich Codes, policies and other standards to follow the relevant laws and regulations.