Press Release

February 14, 2018

DSM reports 2017 results

DSM again reports an excellent year, as it significantly exceeded its Strategy 2018 targets for EBITDA, ROCE and organic sales growth.


Heerlen, NL, 14 Feb 2018 07:00 CET

  • Strong performance in Q4, contributing to an excellent year
  • Sales up 9% to €8,632m, with 9% organic growth mainly from volume growth
  • Adjusted EBITDA up 15% to €1,445m, driven by both Nutrition and Materials
  • ROCE up 190 bps to 12.3%
  • Adjusted net profit up 36% to €706m
  • Total net profit of €1,781m, including gain on Patheon disposal of €1,250m
  • Proposed dividend increase from €1.75 to €1.85 per ordinary share
  • Full year outlook 2018 above Strategy 2018 targets
Full year Highlights
Key figures and indicators
in € millionFY 2017FY 2016% changeVolumePrice/mixFXOther
Adj. EBITDA11,4451,26215%    
EBITDA (cont. ops.)1,3481,174     
ROCE (%)12.3%10.4%     

1) Adjusted EBITDA (and Adjusted net profit) are Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) that reflect continuing operations.
See page 17 of PDF for definition and reconciliation

CEO statement

“We are delighted to report again an excellent year, as we significantly exceeded our Strategy 2018 targets for EBITDA, ROCE and organic sales growth. Our focus on driving above market growth while relentlessly pursuing efficiency initiatives and maintaining capital discipline continues to produce very good results in both Nutrition and Materials.

Our success comes from the ability to deliver sustainable, innovative solutions to meet our customers’ demand and help them to address end-market needs. Furthermore, we have taken next steps in embedding the organizational agility and culture that we seek within our company. We are firmly on track with our cost-reduction and efficiency improvement programs. In addition, we successfully divested our share in Patheon ahead of schedule, creating significant value. With all of these developments ahead of plan we brought forward our regular strategic review process for the period beyond 2018.

We remain relentlessly focused on improving our operational and financial performance through our growth initiatives and by completing the final stage of our improvement programs. These actions should allow us to continue our above-market growth and further improve our financial returns and capital efficiency. We expect to deliver above our Strategy 2018 targets in 2018.”

Outlook 2018

DSM expects to deliver full-year 2018 results above the targets set in Strategy 2018, with an Adjusted EBITDA growth somewhat up from high single-digit to double-digit and a ROCE growth above 100 basis points. The expected substantial negative foreign exchange effects, based on current rates, will be more than offset by a positive pricing environment in Nutrition, part of which is temporary in nature and expected to be heavily weighted towards the first half of the year.

Q4 Highlights
  • DSM reports another strong quarter
  • Sales up 8% to €2,176m, with 12% organic growth, driven by volumes and prices
  • Adjusted EBITDA up 14% to €359m
  • Nutrition: 13% organic sales growth; Adjusted EBITDA up 12%
  • Materials: 5% volume growth; Adjusted EBITDA up 13%
Key figures & indicators
in € millionQ4 2017Q4 2016% changeVolumePrice/mixFXOther
Adj. EBITDA135931514%    
EBITDA (cont. ops.)316270     
ROCE (%)212.3%10.4%     

1) Adjusted EBITDA (and Adjusted net profit) are Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) that reflect continuing operations.
See page 17 of PDF for definition and reconciliation
2) Full year 2017

in € millionFY 2017FY 2016% changeVolumePrice/mixFXOther
Innovation Center169167     
Corporate Activities5971     
in € millionQ4 2017Q4 2016% changeVolumePrice/mixFXOther
Innovation Center4341     
Corporate Activities1214     
in € millionFY 2017FY 2016% changeQ4 2017Q4 2016% change
Adjusted EDITDA11,4451,26215%35931514%
Innovation Center91 4-1 
Corporate Activities-105-105 -31-27 
Adjusted EBITDA margin116.7%15.9% 16.5%15.6% 
EBITDA11,3481,174 316270 
Adjusted EBIT195779121%24019026%
EBIT1846685 199139 
Capital Employed17,7667,889    
Average Capital Employed17,7767,627    
ROCE (%)12.3%10.4%    
Effective tax rate216.8%18.3%    
Adjusted net profit1,370652036%20213055%
Net profit - Total DSM
Adjusted net EPS1
Net EPS - Total DSM10.073.52 0.980.48 
Operating cash flow9961,018-2%3773741%
Capital Expenditures4546475 162170 
Net debt7422,070    

1) Continuing operations
2) Over Adjusted taxable result
3) Including result attributed to non-controlling interest
4) Cash, net of customer funding

In this report:
Organic sales growth’ is the total impact of volume and price/mix;
'Total Working Capital’ refers to the total of ‘Operating Working Capital’ and ‘non-Operating Working Capital’

The complete version of this press release with accompanying financial statements and the Presentation to Investors are below in PDF format.

For more information
Lieke de Jong-Tops

Senior Communications Manager
+31 45 578 2420

Dave Huizing

Vice President Investor Relations
+31 45 578 2864

Lieke de Jong-Tops

Senior Communications Manager
+31 45 578 2420

Dave Huizing

Vice-President Investor Relations
+31 45 578 2864