Press Release

May 6, 2021

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2021

Summary of the resolutions and voting at DSM's most recent Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held virtually on 6 May 2021.


Resolutions and votes cast

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) took place on Thursday 6 May 2021 and was held virtually in view of the Covid-19 measures and in line with effective emergency legislation.

The shareholders or shareholder representatives voted with 73.52% of the issued share capital entitled to vote. Number of votes per share is 1 and the number of outstanding shares on 8 April 2021, the record date, was 216,696,821.

Summary of the resolutions passed at the AGM and the outcome of the voting (percentages are rounded to two decimal places).

Agenda item 2

The amendment of the Articles of Association was adopted.

%99.210.79 100.00
Agenda item 3

The Managing Board explained the Annual Report for 2020.

Agenda item 4

The general meeting has given positive advice on the Remuneration Report.

%93.446.56 100.00
Agenda item 5

The Financial Statements for 2020 were adopted.

%100.000.00 100.00
Agenda item 6a

The reserve policy and dividend policy were explained.

Agenda item 6b

The dividend per ordinary share to be paid for 2020 being €2.40 was adopted.

%98.641.36 100.00
Agenda item 7a

The current and former members of the Managing Board were released from liability in respect of their managerial activities.

%97.262.74 100.00
Agenda item 7b

The current and former members of the Supervisory Board were released from liability in respect of their supervisory role.

%97.262.74 100.00
Agenda item 8

Dimitri de Vreeze was reappointed as member of the Managing Board.

%99.900.10 100.00
Agenda item 9a

Frits van Paasschen was reappointed as member of the Supervisory Board.

%98.581.42 100.00
Agenda item 9b

John Ramsey was reappointed as member of the Supervisory Board.

%95.024.98 100.00
Agenda item 9c

Carla Mahieu was appointed as member of the Supervisory Board.

%88.0111.99 100.00
Agenda item 9d

Corien M. Wortmann-Kool was appointed as member of the Supervisory Board.

%99.320.68 100.00
Agenda item 10

The external auditor was reappointed.

%98.801.20 100.00
Agenda item 11a

The Managing Board was authorized to issue up to 10% ordinary shares and to exclude pre-emptive rights.

%88.7611.24 100.00
Agenda item 11b

The Managing Board was authorized to issue an additional 10% ordinary shares in connection with a rights issue.

%90.669.34 100.00
Agenda item 12

Authorization was granted to the Managing Board to have the company repurchase own shares.

%98.971.03 100.00
Agenda item 13

The meeting resolved to reduce the issued capital by cancellation of own shares up to a maximum of the number that is or will be bought by the company.

%99.460.54 100.00

Published 06 May 2021

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