Press Release

May 29, 2024

dsm-firmenich commits to a strategic partnership with The Colors

Trade news


Multicultural beauty: a growth driver for French beauty

Paris, May 29, 2024

dsm-firmenich, innovators in nutrition, health, and beauty, joins forces with The Colors, an ecosystem dedicated to multicultural Cosmetics and Perfumery, which brings together large companies, startups and expert institutions around a common issue: promoting an inclusive offer.

As part of this partnership, dsm-firmenich and The Colors aim to build and promote a community of experts in multicultural beauty, a rapidly developing sector, which meets the expectations of a diverse and demanding clientele, ever more concerned about inclusiveness and personalization of beauty products.

“At dsm-firmenich, we want to promote diversity in all its forms, a true source of inspiration and innovation,” says Emmanuel Butstraen, Chief Operating Officer & President, Perfumery and Beauty. “We are proud to partner with The Colors in promoting a vision of multicultural beauty, in perfect resonance with the expectations of today’s consumers. By joining forces, we hope to contribute to the development of a thriving network of entrepreneurs specializing in diverse beauty and their international influence.”

For The Colors, this partnership represents an important step in achieving its mission. “By bringing together key players in the cosmetics industry, The Colors aims to promote the emergence of beauty brands and products adapted to the needs of all consumers,” explain Haweya Mohamed and Ammin Youssouf of The Colors. “We are delighted to partner with dsm-firmenich, a key player in the world of perfumery and beauty, and we look forward to seeing the fruits of our collaboration.”

For more information

Camille Le Gall
+33 614 714 121

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This press release may contain forward-looking statements with respect to dsm-firmenich’s future (financial) performance and position. Such statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections of dsm-firmenich and information currently available to the company. dsm-firmenich cautions readers that such statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict and therefore it should be understood that many factors can cause actual performance and position to differ materially from these statements. dsm-firmenich has no obligation to update the statements contained in this press release, unless required by law. The English language version of this press release