Press Release

March 1, 2018

DSM publishes 2017 Integrated Annual Report

The 2017 Integrated Annual Report details the company's progress and performance over the year in terms of People, Planet and Profit.


Heerlen, NL, 01 Mar 2018 08:00 CET

Royal DSM, a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials, today announces the publication of its 2017 Integrated Annual Report, in which DSM reports on its progress and performance over the year 2017 in terms of People, Planet and Profit.

DSM’s Integrated Annual Report offers all its stakeholders detailed insights into the company’s strategic progress, business development, financial results and corporate governance, as well as into its environmental and social performance.

The sustainability reporting in DSM’s Integrated Annual Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Comprehensive option. The 2017 Report also aligns with the <IR> Framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) where possible, which provides additional guiding principles and content elements for integrated reporting. KPMG has audited the financial statements 2017 included in the Integrated Annual Report 2017. Furthermore, KPMG provided a limited assurance report on selected sustainability information in the 2017 Integrated Annual Report.

DSM continued to align its strategy with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While this mapping shows that the company is engaged on all 17 Goals, DSM contributes in particular to the 5 SDGs which most closely align with its capabilities, competences and strategic ambitions. Multiple business examples of how DSM’s activities contribute to the SDGs are highlighted throughout the report, showing how sustainability is also an important business growth driver at DSM, next to being a core value and key responsibility. Furthermore, DSM has mapped the SDGs to the company’s value creation model and to its materiality topics.

The report shows how DSM is financially, socially, and environmentally unlocking the value created by the development of its future-oriented portfolio.