Press Release
février 22, 2011
DSM Supervisory Board has appointed Rob Routs as its new Chairman.
Heerlen, NL, 22 Feb 2011 15:15 CET
Royal DSM N.V., the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company headquartered in the Netherlands, today announces that its Supervisory Board has appointed Rob Routs as its new chairman, succeeding Cor Herkströter.
Cor Herkströter has been a member of the DSM Supervisory Board since 1 April 2000 and its chairman since 12 March 2002. During his chairmanship DSM has transformed from a chemical company into a Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company. The leadership of DSM would like to express its deep gratitude to Cor Herkströter for his guidance and support in this process, which has now been successfully completed.
Rob Routs (64, Dutch nationality) held various positions at the Royal Dutch Shell group until his retirement at the end of 2008. His last positions were Executive Director Downstream and member of the Board of Directors of Royal Dutch Shell plc. He holds a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Technical Sciences from Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands). Rob Routs has been a member of the Supervisory Board of DSM since April 2010.
The change of chairmanship of DSM's Supervisory Board will take place after the General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 28 April 2011.