Press Release

1月 13, 2011




Heerlen, NL, 13 Jan 2011 08:15 CET

Royal DSM N.V. (NYSE Euronext: DSM KON)は、本日、同社の間接的な完全子会社であるGreenback Acquisition Corporationが、Martek Biosciences Corporation (NASDAQ: MATK)の発行済普通株式すべてに対して、1株当たり31.50ドルで公開買付けを開始したことを発表しました。

本公開買付けは、2010年12月21日にDSMとMartekが発表した、DSM、Greenback Acquisition CorporationおよびMartekによる、2010年12月20日付けの合併契約および合併計画に関連して行われる。



本公開買付けの全条件は、DSM および Greenback Acquisition Corporation が 2011 年 1 月 13 日に SEC に提出する買付提案書、送達状およびその他の関連資料に記載されています。 また、2011 年 1 月 13 日に、Martek は本公開買付けに関連する Schedule 14D-9 による勧誘・推奨文書を SEC に提出する予定です。 買付提案書、送達状およびその他の関連資料のコピーは、本公開買付けの情報代理人である MacKenzie Partners, Inc.(フリーダイヤル:(800) 322-2885)から無料で入手できます。 本公開買付けのディーラー・マネージャーは J.P. Morgan Securities LLC です。 Citibank, N.A. は本公開買付けの預託機関として機能しています。


 Martek is a leader in the innovation, development, production and sale of high-value products from microbial sources that promote health and wellness through nutrition. Martek’s technology platform consists of its core expertise, broad experience and proprietary technology in areas such as microbial biology, algal genomics, fermentation and downstream processing. This technology platform has resulted in Martek’s development of a number of products, including the company’s flagship product, life’sDHA™, a sustainable and vegetarian source of algal DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) important for brain, heart and eye health throughout life for use in infant formula, pregnancy and nursing products, foods and beverages, dietary supplements and animal feeds. Martek also produces life’sARA™ (arachidonic acid), an omega-6 fatty acid, for use in infant formula and follow-on formulas. Martek’s subsidiary, Amerifit Brands, develops, markets and distributes branded consumer health and wellness products and holds


This news release and the description contained herein is neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation of an offer to sell shares of Martek. On 13 January 2011, DSM and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Greenback Acquisition Corporation, filed a Tender Offer Statement on Schedule TO containing an offer to purchase, a form of letter of transmittal and other documents relating to the tender offer, and Martek filed a Solicitation/Recommendation Statement on Schedule 14D-9 with respect to the tender offer. DSM, Greenback Acquisition Corporation and Martek mailed these documents to the stockholders of Martek. These documents contain important information about the tender offer, and stockholders of Martek are urged to read them carefully. Stockholders of Martek can obtain a free copy of these documents and other documents filed by Martek, DSM or Greenback Acquisition Corporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission at the website maintained by the SEC at xml-ph-0001@deepl


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