Press Release

November 23, 2012

DSM awarded for its integrated reporting

DSM receives three prestigious awards in the Netherlands for its 2011 Integrated Annual Report.


Heerlen, NL, 23 Nov 2012 16:15 CET

Royal DSM, the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company, has been awarded three prestigious awards in the Netherlands for its 2011 Integrated Annual Report. For the second year in a row, the company was awarded the De Kristal award for the most transparent sustainability report. DSM also won the FD Henri Sijthoff-Prijs for the most transparent financial reporting. And finally, it won thePublieksprijs after emerging as the winner in a public survey among private and institutional investors for best annual report.

On 22 November in The Hague (Netherlands), the De Kristal 2012 award was presented to DSM after the company was ranked in first place in a transparency benchmark survey carried out by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. The judging panel was most impressed by the fact that the company’s Integrated Annual Report 2011 included a list of things that did not go right and that needed further improvement.

The judging panel for the 59th FD Henri Sijthoff-Prijs, which was presented to DSM on 23 November in Amsterdam, recognized the quality of DSM’s financial reporting. DSM previously won the Sijthoff award for its 1996 and 2002 annual reports. According to the judging panel, integrated reporting is on the increase.

Earlier this month DSM won the so-called Publieksprijs, formerly known as the Prix de Mazars, when it came out on top in a public survey among private and institutional investors for the best annual report. It is the third time that DSM has been awarded this award.

Since 2010, DSM has integrated its Triple P Report with its financial reporting into an Integrated Annual Report as sustainability is an integral part of DSM’s business and one of the key growth drivers in DSM’s strategy DSM in motion: driving focused growth.

Feike Sijbesma, CEO and Chairman of the DSM Managing Board, commented: “For DSM, People, Planet and Profit are equally important. Our company’s primary goal is to provide value for all stakeholders on all three dimensions. We are proud to have been recognized for our integrated reporting along these three lines as well as for our transparency on our achievements, our progress and our improvement points. The awards we have received for our integrated reporting are a stimulus to continue on this path. We hope more companies will follow the pathway of providing value along the dimensions of the Triple P philosophy and reporting on it.”