January 24, 2025

Misinformation about Bovaer®

Updates and statements


Dear farmers, retailers, and members of the public,
There has been some misinformation circulating on social media about the safety of Bovaer®. As a company committed to transparency and scientific integrity, we want to provide you with the accurate facts and dispel any misconceptions. Food Safety Authorities across the globe have thoroughly reviewed and approved Bovaer®, and consider it safe for use and effective in reducing emissions. In December 2024, the UK Food Standards Agency said: 

“Milk from cows given Bovaer, a feed additive used to reduce methane emissions, is safe to drink. The additive is metabolised by the cows so does not pass into the milk.”

A link to the full statement can be found here

In addition, here are some further scientifically proven facts:

  • Bovaer® is a superior feed supplement approved and considered safe by UK and EU Food Safety Authorities, as well as multiple other authorities.
  • It has been successfully and safely in commercial use for over two years on farms across the globe.
  • It consistently reduces methane, one of the most powerful greenhouse gasses, in cows. It is included in cow feed at a ratio of 1 gram per 20kg of feed.
  • Bovaer® development began 15 years ago and enables farmers to reduce methane emissions from dairy, beef, and other ruminant herds, to help avoid global warming.
  • Provided it is used as recommended, Bovaer® is fully metabolized by the cow and is not present in milk or meat, so there is no consumer exposure. It never enters into milk or meat and therefore does not reach consumers.
  • Regulatory and scientific trials show that Bovaer® poses no risk to health for consumers nor animals and it has no impact on milk production or reproduction.
  • Bovaer® is specifically designed to break down in the cow's digestive system and quickly decomposes into naturally occurring compounds that are already present in the rumen (first stomach) of a cow. 
  • Microbes in the rumen turn Bovaer® into normal byproducts of digestion that are used in normal body functions, such as production of fats, protein and sugars.
  • With over 150 studies having been conducted, Bovaer® is the most extensively studied and scientifically proven solution to the challenge of enteric methane emissions to date.
  • Bovaer® is available for sale in 68 countries across the globe.
  • The UK Food Standards Agency, as well as EFSA, have approved its use based on evidence that it does not harm the animals or negatively impact their health, productivity, or the quality of milk. They concluded that the product is safe for use, both for animals as well as humans, and is effective in reducing methane emissions.
  • In cattle farming, supplements such as Bovaer® are part of a cow’s normal daily feeding routine. In addition to grass, hay and grains, feed supplements play a vital role in improving the digestion, immunity, and overall health of a cow.
  • Bovaer® is a feed supplement which consistently reduces methane in cows, allowing farmers, dairy providers, and retailers to significantly reduce their greenhouse gas footprint. If we want to limit global warming, we collectively must tackle methane. One dairy cow fed with Bovaer® can reduce CO2e emissions by one ton per year.
  • The product safety sheet is a standard sheet which provides clear guidelines to people handling the product at processing facilities and ensures safe use. Such procedures are quite common for feed supplements, such as vitamins, to ensure workers take appropriate measures (e.g., wearing masks and gloves) to avoid risks from small dust particles.
  • Farmers can safely handle Bovaer® in the recommended application form and by following standard safety instructions in line with regular on-farm practices.
  • Contrary to what is stated in recent messages, Bovaer® is fully developed and owned by dsm-firmenich and has no other investors. Bill Gates is not involved in the development of Bovaer®.

Transparency about what goes into our food is of the utmost importance. As part of the food industry, we ensure we provide healthy and nutritious food on people’s tables now and in the future. Simultaneously, we need to address our emissions and impact on the planet.

We believe that Bovaer® can significantly contribute to reducing emissions whilst not compromising the health of people and animals. Bovaer® is a solution steeped in science and has been researched for over 15 years. Over the past decade, our experts conducted more than 150 trials across the globe, which have all been published in over 85 articles in peer reviewed journals.

We believe in science and the power of evidence-based progress. That’s why our product has been extensively researched and tested in trials with brands and retailers, to ensure its health, safety, and efficacy, as confirmed following extensive checks and reviews by UK and EU Food Safety Authorities.

Don't just take our word for it – below is a selection of links to official online sources and food safety authorities that confirm the safety and efficacy of the product.

Thank you,


Useful links: 

- UK Food Standards Agency:  https://food.blog.gov.uk/2024/12/05/bovaer-cow-feed-additive-explained/

- Swedish Food Agency: https://www.livsmedelsverket.se/livsmedel-och-innehall/mat-och-dryck/mjolk-och-mejeriprodukter/fragor-om-fodertillsatsen-bovaer

- The Swedish Board of Agriculture: https://jordbruksverket.se/djur/foder-och-produkter-fran-djur/foder/tillverka-foder

- Danish Veterinary and Food Administration: https://foedevarestyrelsen.dk/foder/markedsfoering-af-foder/fodertilsaetningsstoffer/bovaer

- Bovaer® webpage: https://www.dsm-firmenich.com/anh/products-and-services/products/methane-inhibitors/bovaer.html  

PDF version of this statement can be found here

About dsm-firmenich

As innovators in nutrition, health, and beauty, dsm-firmenich reinvents, manufactures, and combines vital nutrients, flavors, and fragrances for the world’s growing population to thrive. With our comprehensive range of solutions, with natural and renewable ingredients and renowned science and technology capabilities, we work to create what is essential for life, desirable for consumers, and more sustainable for the planet. dsm-firmenich is a Swiss-Dutch company, listed on the Euronext Amsterdam, with operations in almost 60 countries and revenues of more than €12 billion. With a diverse, worldwide team of nearly 30,000 employees, we bring progress to life every day, everywhere, for billions of people.